
28. May 2018 - 2:00

Last Saturday, May 26, Expociencia 2018 was held, the Open Doors Day organized by the University of Valencia's Science Park every year to encourage children, young people and adults to take an interest in science, technology and innovation in a fun way. In this 10th edition, IATA participated with ten different activities, aimed at both children and adults. They explain aspects related to obtaining and preparing food, from how chocolate is obtained or what are the pigments that give color to...

22. May 2018 - 9:09

Newsletter from the European Plant Science Organisation, N° 47 which will be published soon, interviewed some of the former MSCA grant holders for their firsthand experience. Among them Dr. Francisco Romero Gascón, IATA researcher in the Food Biotechnology Department. 3F-FutureFreshFruit: Elucidating the molecular basis of fruit resistance to desiccation: The cuticle as a key factor Francisco Romero Gascón: “When I first applied to a MSCA-IF-GF, I wanted to assess my competitiveness within the...

16. May 2018 - 12:44

The Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), research center of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), paid tribute yesterday Tuesday May 15, to the figure of Professor Eduardo Primo Yúfera, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. The director of IATA, Cristina Molina Rosell, thanked all the attendees and dedicated a few words to the founder of IATA: "Primo Yúfera faced the great challenges of agri-food research at the time, setting the objectives on which the...

10. May 2018 - 11:58

The main idea of ​​the Cavawinner project is better the international positioning of the Spanish cava. In this R & D project, six cavistas participate, as well as a manufacturer of packaging plants, a cork wine company, and five research centers, including the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, IATA. The IATA research group on biology of systems in yeast of biotechnological interest, are those that are part of the portal this project, counting on the leadership of Dr. José...

8. May 2018 - 8:55

Dr. Julio Polaina, from the molecular enzyme engineering group of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), participated in the "BOOSTING BLUE BIOECONOMY: CHALLENGES AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN BLUE BIOTECHNOLOGY" held on May 3 and 4 in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Experimental Sciences of the Catholic University. The main objective of the celebration of these days was to create a meeting point for institutions, technology centers, researchers and companies that...

4. May 2018 - 9:11

The researcher Cristina Molina Rosell, from the IATA Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, has been named member of the Strategic Innovation Committee in which eighteen scientists and / or managers of scientific institutions will participate, in addition to eleven businessmen, the eleven directors of technological institutes, the coordinating body of the CEI and the technical secretary of the Consell Valencià de la Innovació (CVI).

3. May 2018 - 9:32

The director of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology IATA, Cristina Molina Rosell, has participated in the act of constitution of the Valencian Innovation Council (CVI) of the Valencian Agency of Innovation (AVI) that took place last Wednesday 2nd of May in Alicante.

24. April 2018 - 13:20

In the next FOTCIENCIA 15 catalogue you will find the selected photo of David Talens, from the Food Biotechnology Department of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA). Explanation of the selected work: Title: Life in extreme conditions Author: David Talens Perales Living beings are capable of colonizing places on the planet whose conditions are hard to believe to be compatible with life. Volcanic fumes, glacial or extremely salty waters are some examples. In these...

18. April 2018 - 14:18

Barcelona Receives from April 16 to 19 at Alimentaria 2018, the most important food fair in Spain. Our colleagues from Knowledge Transfer Office, María Jesús Añon and Francisco Cuenca, have been there to offer the services of the center to generating companies as well as new connections in the food sector.

13. April 2018 - 10:03

Is it worth paying more for "lactose-free" foods? The digital supplement of La Buena Vida from El País newspaper has compiled information on a current topic such as lactose-free products. Julio Polaina, an IATA researcher from the department of food biotechnology, has explained to the newspaper some basic aspects to dismantle some myths that are generated around this natural sugar contained in some foods. It is important to know that not all dairy foods contain lactose, and some products such...