
5. April 2019 - 11:22

The Bootcamp FOODMIO organized at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, took place from 26th to 29th March. These days were held within the framework of the educational projects of EIT Food. The aim was to develop meat products incorporating vegetable by-products or novel protein sources. Laura Laguna, from the Food Science group of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, was present as principal investigator of the CSIC in the project, and María Espert and Patricia...

3. April 2019 - 12:55

The FRESHWINES R&D project to improve the freshness of Spanish wines and boost their international competitiveness begins Madrid, April 2, 2019 - The Board of Directors of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) has approved and launched the R&D consortium project FRESHWINES under the title 'Ecological and technological strategies to improve the freshness of Spanish wines'. This initiative starts with a budget of more than 2 million euros, co-financed by the CDTI...

3. April 2019 - 11:49

Although viruses may be responsible for roughly half of all foodborne illness outbreaks, current testing methods are difficult because of the time, complexity and cost involved. Current testing for human pathogen viruses in produce is costly, complex and time consuming. Researchers are using next-generation sequencing to try to find organisms that could reliably indicate the presence of viral pathogens. If an indicator is found, it may provide the basis for development of a quick, easy-to-use...

1. April 2019 - 11:51

Last Friday, March 29th, the conference "Multidisciplinary Science, key to scientific innovation" was held at IATA, where directors and representatives of the CSIC centres of the Valencian Community met. The main objective of this conference has been to get to know each other among all the centres of different research areas in order to be able to favour possible collaborations between them. Each centre's representative explained what their centre consists of and announced the main lines and...

29. March 2019 - 17:28

Dr. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell, Research Professor at the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC), has been awarded by the Asociación Nacional de Industrias de la Carne de España (ANICE) with the ANICE 2019 Award "José Flores a la Innovación" in recognition of his outstanding research and technological innovations that have contributed to the development of the Spanish meat sector. The award ceremony took place on 28 March in Madrid during the 4th ANICE Awards Gala, which was...

22. March 2019 - 10:39

The food and science supplement of the newspaper El Confidencial, Alimente, has dedicated a space to talk about the microbiota. In order to do so, it has had the collaboration of the expert doctor Yolanda Sanz, from the Microbial Ecology, Nutrition and Health group of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology. She has been the coordinator of the recently completed European project MyNewGut, in which, for five years, some thirty research groups from 15 countries have worked to unravel...

21. March 2019 - 12:31

The IATA packaging group is part of the SusPlast team, the platform that aims to develop research and innovation activities aimed at plastics production processes and recycling, through mechanical, chemical and biotechnological strategies to meet the requirements necessary to implement a management of plastics based on a circular economy. SusPlast is one of the first interdisciplinary thematic platforms of the CSIC, (Interdisciplinary Paltform for Sustainable Plastics towards a Circular...

11. March 2019 - 13:25

On March 8, Dr. Pilar Mateo, president of the foundation Inesfly Corporation gave a lecture at IATA in an event organized jointly by IFIC and IATA, on the occasion of the commemoration of International Women's Day. Pilar Mateo holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Valencia and from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). It is among the 10 most prestigious scientists in Spain and among the top 100 worldwide. She has focused her...

8. February 2019 - 8:20

Beta-cryptoxanthin, which also has provitamin A activity, is present in few foods, among which mandarin stands out. Carotenoids are compounds that give the characteristic color to many fruits and vegetable products, such as citrus, but in addition to this, have important nutritional properties and beneficial to our health. Researchers Lorenzo Zacarías and María Jesús Rodrigo, from the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), located in the Science Park of the University of...

24. January 2019 - 11:57

Drinking bone broth is a recent diet fad that proponents claim fights inflammation, eases joint pain and promotes gut health. Simmering animal bones in water releases collagen and other proteins into the broth that may have health benefits, although more research is needed to validate these claims. Now, a new study in ACS’Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has shown that ham bones contain peptides that could have cardioprotective effects. During cooking and digestion, proteins from...