IATA has signed an agreement with the CNRIFFI led by professors Fidel Toldrá and Muyi Cai

Signed a Framework Collaboration Agreement between the Group of Biochemistry, Technology and Innovation of Meat and Meat Products led by Professor Fidel Toldrá Vilardell of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (CSIC), Paterna (Valencia) and China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries (CNRIFFI) led by Professor Muyi Cai in Beijing (China).

The main objective of the agreement is the scientific and technological collaboration for the extraction, identification and determination of the biological value of the bioactive compounds derived from food and its by-products with applications to the development of food applications of industrial interest. Both groups will present joint research projects for funding by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. This collaboration allowed the exchange of personnel as well as sharing the experience of the Prof. Toldrá group in chemistry and identification of peptides and characterization of their biological value in vitro and that of Prof. Cai's group in optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis processes and characterization of the physiological benefits in vivo that, in addition, have contributed to a good number of products marketed in China. This collaboration agreement, together with the recent agreements that the CNRIFFI established with the Universities of Harvard and San Francisco (USA) and Tokyo (Japan), has a significant rapid advance in the scientific and technological research of septic systems applications in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.