
11. December 2018 - 7:50

Dr. Yolanda Sanz, of the IATA group Microbial ecology, Nutrition and Health, participates in the European project "MicrobiomeSupport- Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support EU and international bioeconomy goals", which held its meeting inaugural on November 5-6 in Canada. This Coordination and Support Action (CSA) has the overall objective to establish an international network of experts and stakeholders in the field of microbiome food system research,...

15. November 2018 - 1:00

Today, Dr. Mª José Fabra, from Packaging Group, member of the consortium that develops the project "Food PackagIng open courseware for higher Education and Staff of companieS" (FITNESS), receives in the IATA the rest of the participants. The projet FitNESS aims at developing a collaborative e-learning platform for the community interested in all aspects of food packaging: from functions, materials, systems and processes, regulations to advanced applications and designs. The results will offer...

12. November 2018 - 1:00

Last Friday, November 9, at IATA and on the occasion of the celebration this month of the Science and Technology Week at the CSIC 2018 , Dr. Lorenzo Zacarías gave the conference "Quality and Conservation of Fruits and Vegetables: new challenges and old problems ". During the first part of the conference, Dr. Zacarías offered a vision of the challenges to the sustainable production of fruits and vegetables due to the increase in world population, highlighting the impact of geographical and...

6. November 2018 - 1:00

On November 6, Dr. Mª Carmen Collado gave a pleasant and illustrative conference about what is the microbiota, its relationship with our diet and introduced the objectives and first results of the European MAMI project (`The power of the maternal microbiota in health infantil', ERC Starting Grant) of which she is the principal researcher and is being developed in the IATA-CSIC, in collaboration with numerous health institutions and research centers. The event, which was attended by more than...

31. October 2018 - 1:00

The Drs. Amparo López-Rubio and Marta Martínez-Sanz, researchers of the Packaging Group, of the department of Preservation and Food Safety of IATA, have been working in the facilities of the ALBA synchrotron analyzing biopolymers that can be obtained from biomass, such as algae. This group investigates the development of more sustainable ways to produce food containers with adequate mechanical and chemical properties. Scientists have analyzed how adding different species of microalgae can...

30. October 2018 - 1:00

Last week, during the days 23 to 25 October, the " Workshop on Carotenoids in Food, Nutrition and Health ", organized by the IATA Post-harvest Physiology, Pathology and Biotechnology Group , as a member of the European Network EUROCAROTEN (European Network to Advance Carotenoid Research and Applications in Agro-Food and Health). The objective of this congress was to discuss critically and scientifically the controversies and advances in the area of ​​carotenoids in the science of food and...

19. October 2018 - 2:00

Today Sandra Garrigues Cubells has defended her doctoral thesis "Biotechnological production and utilization of new antifungal proteins from filamentous fungi". The research work of this thesis has been carried out in the Group of Proteins and Bioactive Peptides of Interest in Agri-Food and has been directed by Drs. José F. Marcos López and Paloma Manzanares Mir.

3. August 2018 - 14:10

ALIMENTALA CONCIENCIA is the IATA videos collection that would help us to know the answers of many everyday questions in a very funny way. The first chapter is about food safety and conservation. Do not miss it! And Share it with your friends! Surely at least you hves eaten a wet cookie, or you have seen bad color to butter, or the fruit, ... But, why? What should we do to avoid it? Our scientists are coming to solve our doubts! Next week they will continue! ALIMENTALA CONCIENCIA Chapter 1:...

2. August 2018 - 8:43

Four Thesis held at the IATA Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology have received an Extraordinary Doctorate Award in the 2017-2018 course. Laura Higueras Contreras, from the Pharmacy Area, and Estéfani García Ríos and David Talens Perales, from the area of ​​Cellular and Molecular Biology, have received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Valencia, and also Clara Miracle Belda Galbis has also been awarded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the area of ​​"...

27. July 2018 - 14:54

Dr. Gloria Sánchez, researcher of the IATA's Department of Preservation and Food Safety, spoke about the risks of infection and poisoning from contaminated food, such as fish infested by the Anisakis parasite, or pork and wild boar with hepatitis E virus, as well as about the precautions to be taken to avoid these and other food-borne infections. The complete interview is available here.