
II congreso AEPAS

23. October 2017 - 2:00

The Second National Congress of the Spanish Association of Sensory Analysis Professionals (AEPAS) was held on 18, 19 and 20 October in the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Valencia. The organizers of the event have been the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and AEPAS. The organizing committee has been supported by Susana Fiszman and Amparo Tárrega, two IATA researchers, along with Purificación García, a researcher at the UPV. The...


19. October 2017 - 2:00

On Wednesday, October 18, Dr. Mª Carmen Collado, an IATA researcher, offered the Gregorio Marañón Inaugural Conference of the 59th Congress of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, entitled "Microbiota and Maternal-Fetal Metabolic Health". At this conference, Dr. Collado presented the current knowledge on the development of the intestinal microbiota before birth and the influence of the intestinal microbiota of the mother on both the health of the mother and the future health of...

Entrevista Amparo Querol

10. October 2017 - 15:06

Amparo Querol, a researcher in the Food Biotechnology Department at IATA, tells us in an interview with Bioval how they work in the field of biotechnology to improve food products and to  create new ones. Consumer trends are constantly being renewed, and thus, this research process never ceases. At the same time, healthy issues are also in fashion and we try to respond to different situations, such as cholesterol, hypertension, etc., with the variety of different products present on the market...

Jornadas de Oportunidades de la innovación

5. October 2017 - 2:00

On October 3, 2017, the "Conference of Opportunities for Innovation in the Agro-Food Field with the help of biotechnology", organized by ASEBIO, was held at IATA. During the morning we could enjoy different presentations on innovation in food as well as in agriculture. In addition, the companies that participated had the opportunity to make several personalized meetings in order to facilitate interactions between them and the research groups. The promoter of the event was ASEBIO along with the...

Open Science

4. October 2017 - 2:00

The IATA researcher Dr. Remedios Melero, has participated at the "Round table on Open Science Initiatives", in the Open Science Colloquium, held at the Scientific Park of the University of Valencia. At this colloquium, Liz Allen, Director of Strategic Initiatives at F1000 (a provider of biomedical research services); and Michele Garfinkel (responsible for EMBO's scientific policy program, European Molecular Biology Organization) analyzed the changes undergone by scientific policy and...


7. September 2017 - 9:27

Project AROMAGENESIS aims to train the next generation of researchers in the biochemistry and genetics of flavour production in yeasts used in wine and beer fermentations, to generate new strains of yeasts with improved or more varied flavour profiles and to develop novel approaches to expanding flavour profiles through co-fermentation of different yeast and/or bacterial species. The network will provide a comprehensive education in yeast genetics, synthetic biology, flavour chemistry and...


5. September 2017 - 14:30

Under the motto "The multidisciplinary science of Rheology. Towards a healthy and sustainable development", the 6th International Congress of Rheology IBEREO 2017 will be held in Valencia from 6th to 8th September. During the meeting, the most recent trends in rheology will be addressed, with a special emphasis on industrial applications. An important consideration will be given to health and sustainable development, as main drivers in nowadays product development. Recent developments in...

14. July 2017 - 12:33

El poster "Effect of the pH on the antiviral activity of the (-)-epigallocatechin gallate", firmado por G. Sánchez, W. Randazzo, I. Falcó, L. Gómez-Mascaraque, A. López-Rubio y R. Aznar, ha sido galardonado con el premio al mejor poster en Microbiología de Alimentos del XXVI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología y 7º Congreso Europeo de Microbiología FEMS 2017. El trabajo presentado ha sido realizado en el IATA por integrantes de los grupos de Taxonomía Molecular y de Envases, del departamento de...

Visita china al IATA

14. July 2017 - 8:34

On July 12, 2017, the vicepresident of the Chinese Meat Association, Mr. Chen Wei, together with a delegation of meat industry entrepreneurs from the People's Republic of China and accompanied by representatives of the Valencian company Manufacturas Ceylan, visited the IATA-CSIC. During the visit, the future of innovation in the meat sector and the possibilities for joint collaboration in R & D activities with Drs. Mónica Flores and Fidel Toldrá of the Group of "Biochemistry, Technology and...

Presentación resultados de estudio químico nutricional de la  horchata

22. May 2017 - 12:48

IATA researcher José Luis Navarro participated in the presentation, on Thursday, May 18, at the Palacio de Cerveró, of the preliminary results of a complete chemical-nutritional research on tiger nut and horchata (a tiger nut-based drink). An important part of the project was carried out at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague by Josep Rubert Bassedas, with the active participation of Gaspar Pérez and José L. Navarro of IATA (CSIC) and the Faculty of Pharmacy of The University...