
22. February 2017 - 14:08

Más de 90 personas, de más de 50 empresas del sector, asistieron ayer en el IATA al XV Desayuno del Cluster, con la colaboración de la empresa Primaflor, de productos hortofrutícolas listos para consumir, y el patrocinio de Tecnicarton, compañía dedicada al diseño y embalaje a medida y multimaterial para cualquier producto industrial. El Cluster de Innovación en Envase y Embalaje es una asociación empresarial que aglutina a empresas innovadoras del sector con el objetivo de abordar estrategias...

20. February 2017 - 1:00

For many years pseudocereals have been widely recognized for their nutritional value by food scientists and food producers. They contain high‐quality proteins, abundant amounts of starch with unique characteristics, large quantities of micronutrients like minerals, vitamins and bioactive compounds and they are gluten free, which makes them suitable for people suffering from various gluten intolerances. This book, edited by Dr. Monika Haros, working at the Cereal Group of IATA, summarizes the...

13. February 2017 - 13:20

The Cluster of Innovation in Packaging is a business association that brings together innovative companies in the sector with the objective of approaching cooperation strategies aimed at enhancing their competitiveness. The Cluster coordinates and supports actions that foster innovation and technological development of its companies through product, technology and process innovation. In this context, IATA is pleased to host the XV edition of 'The Breakfasts of the Cluster' on February 21, a day...

10. February 2017 - 12:36

Laura Perea has been awarded with the "European Flavour Research Awards for PhD students" from GIRACT . The purpose of this award is to promote innovative flavor research amongst PhD candidates across European universities and research institutes. Laura Perea project is performed under the supervision of Dr Monica Flores and Carmela Belloch to study the effect of nitrate reduction in the aroma quality and safety of dry fermented sausages. The project study the interactions and measure the aroma...

7. February 2017 - 9:37

"Novel insights, tools and measures to mitigate emerging risks by yeasts in the food chain"" Is the title of the project, selected in the XVIII National Competition for the Award of Aid to Research in Life Sciences and Matter. These grants are to promote Spanish scientific research, particularly in those areas that require special attention and are of special interest to the society. The main goal of this project is to understand the mechanisms responsible for the virulence of food-related...

1. February 2017 - 14:21

This call for joint transnational research proposals, cofunded by the European Union, aims to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health. The deadline for the submission of pre-proposals ends on April 5th 2017. More information:

18. November 2016 - 12:09

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is a unique EU initiative that spurs innovation and entrepreneurship by bringing together leading universities, research labs and companies to form dynamic pan-European partnerships. These partnerships, called Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs. They bring ideas to market, turn students into entrepreneurs and, most...

18. October 2016 - 13:28

"Norovirus in Food: Current Trends and Future Challenges" was the title of invited presentation in the 6th International Calicivirus Conference (9 to 13 October, Savannah, USA). Dra. Gloria Sanchez spoke about the relevance of norovirus in food, detection methods and future lines of research in this field. Norovirus is the main agent of acute gastroenteritis in Europe. Any type of food can transmit this virus, but seafood, fresh-cut products and red fruits are the foods most at risk. On the...

4. October 2016 - 14:43

Dr. Antonio Martinez participated in XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología e Higiene de los Alimentos (Medellin, 27-30 Septembre 2016) as chairman of "Validation and verification processes: a guarantee for the consumer" symposium and presented the conference "Using Cenorhabditis elegans to detect changes virulence pathogens treated by nonthermal technologies "

30. September 2016 - 14:16

At the 38th European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Congress, (Copenhague 16-20, September 2016) Dra. Mª Carmen Collado talked about "Lasting metabolic consequences of altered gut microbiota in early life".