Collaboration with industry

What are we best at?

How to collaborate with IATA?

The Projects & Knowledge Transfer Office at IATA is in charge of promoting and facilitating the cooperation of our researchers with the industry and other parties, particularly through: R&D or Technological Support projects, Technological services, Licences.

I> These projects are developed by research groups following the requirement of a company or another type of institution.

I> Parties define a project with a set objective, work plan, Schedule and economic conditions.

I> These projects require from a frequent and direct interaction amongst research group and Company where both parts input knowledge into the project.

I> The projects can be partially funded with public or private programmes or collaborating with other partners of interest.

I> Services consist of tests and analyses performed by a research group following a Company request.

I> The utilisation or economical exploitation rights of CSIC’s intellectual or industrial property is transferred to a company.

I> The licence contract stablished the conditions regarding exclusivity, duration, geographical scope and royalties.

How to Access to these services?
You can contact by sending an email to: explaining the type of collaboration you are after.