AROMAGENESIS ofrece 14 contratos predoctorales


El proyecto AROMAGENESIS pretende formar a la próxima generación de investigadores en bioquímica y genética de levaduras que contribuyan a mejorar la producción de aromas en fermentaciones de vino y cerveza, con el objetivo de generar nuevas cepas de levaduras mediante diferentes técnicas o mediante el uso de levaduras no-convencionales o a través de co-fermentación de diferentes especies de levaduras. La red proporcionará una educación integral en genética de levaduras, biología sintética, química del aroma y tecnología de fermentación a los investigadores predoctorales a través de la investigación tanto en instituciones académicas como industriales, así como estancias e intercambios entre el sector productivo y el académico. AROMAGENESIS reúne un equipo multidisciplinar único de 10 grupos de investigación, académicos e industriales, en 7 países de la UE, con experiencia en levaduras utilizadas en la industria de fermentaciones y en el análisis de los perfiles aromáticos de bebidas fermentadas.

Application Details

- You hold a Master degree (with Distinction) or 4-Year First Class or High II (1) Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology, Genetics, Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Bio-engineering Sciences or equivalent.

- You pass the eligibility criteria for Marie Curie Actions (see below)

- You have good oral and written communication skills in English.

-You have been immersed in a Microbiology or Molecular Biology setting and thus acquired basic microbiological and molecular-biological technical skills, e.g. cloning, transformation, PCR, DNA purification.

-You have good organisational and planning skills.

-You are stimulated by challenging scientific and technical problems and have a highly motivated, persistent and result-driven attitude.

-You are able to work well both independently and in a team environment, with a sense of responsibility.


We offer:

- A fulltime position as a ESR/PhD researcher for 3 years, during which a PhD dissertation is prepared, provided positive evaluation.

­ - A dynamic and stimulating research environment.

- Collaboration with other research groups both nationally and internationally, e.g. for transfer of knowledge and technical skills

- Support in the development of transferable skills.

Salary is fixed based on EU provisions within the ITN AROMAGENESIS.


Application Information

Candidates should submit as a single pdf document:

  • Cover Letter (1x A4 page) including a statement of reason and motivation for pursing a PhD degree
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • The names of two referees.
  • Documentary evidence of current academic qualifications
  • Completed Project choice Form (see below) indicating your top 4 project choices

To Prof. Jurgen Wendland (Recruitment Lead for Project AROMAGENESIS)


Additional information

Planned starting date:

From 01-12-2017

Length of contract:

3 years

Deadline for application:

Nov. 15th 2017 - applications will be screened continuously until the positions are filled

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jürgen Wendland
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Research Group of Microbiology, Pleinlaan 2,
BE-1050 Brussel

Contact telephone:

+32 2 629 -1937

Contact e-mail (preferred):


Elibibility criteria for ESRs:

  1. Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
  2. Mobility Rule: at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the reference date.


PhD Projects available through AROMAGENESIS NETWORK

Project Title

Host Institution


Contact details

Indicate your Top 4 choices


Accelerated Evolution of lager yeast strains for improved flavour profiles

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Prof. Ursula Bond


Influence of hybrid genes on flavour profiles in lager yeasts

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Prof. Ursula Bond


Selection of bespoke high-growth rate yeast strains in a selection of environments

University of Manchester, UK

Prof Daniela Delneri


Mining and modelling the genome of yeast industrial hybrids

University of Manchester, UK

Prof Daniela Delneri


Designer Yeasts utilising Copy Number Variations to improve fermentation speed and flavour compound formation

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Jurgen Wendland


Co-fermentations as a means to generate low alcohol beverages with full flavour

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Jurgen Wendland


Identification of species-specific genetic determinants of flavour compounds by comparative genomic analysis

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

Prof. Amparo Querol


Flavour profiling, by GC-MS

Edmund Mach Foundation, Italy

Dr. Urska Vrhovsek


Identification of genes involved in variations in sulfur compounds formation by wine yeasts

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France

Dr. Carole Camarasa


Control of the production of volatile sulfur compounds by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during fermentation to enhance aromatic profiles of wine

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France

Dr. Carole Camarasa


Innovative analytical platforms for screening the ability of micro-organisms to produce high impact aroma compounds in fermentative processes

Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Prof. Vicente Farreira


Screening of Saccharomyces and non-conventional yeasts for aroma production

Lallemand SAS, France

Dr. Jose Maria Heras


Quantification of vitality in novel heterozygotes S. cerevisiae industrial strains

Singer Instruments, UK

Dr. Harry Singer


Tailor made substrates for increased flavour formation during yeast fermentation

Novozymes, Denmark

Dr. Andrea Walther