
Technical Services


iata servicio técnico: microscopía


Our  Microscopy Service allows different IATA research groups, as well as research centers and companies that should request , microscopic observation and digital photomicrograph of different types of samples:

  • Fibers, particles and films of different packaging materials or food matrices ( polymer , organic , ... )
  • Sauces, emulsions and bread dough
  • Microorganisms: bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi
  • Animal and human cells in culture. Histological sections
  • Multicellular model organisms: C. elegans , A. thaliana, Artemia

These samples can be observed at different magnifications with the objectives available ( 4x , 20x , 40x , 100x ) and using different optical microscopy techniques:

  • Brightfield
  • Polarized light
  • Phase contrast
  • Inter-differential contrast (Nomarsky)
  • Fluorescence

For Fluorescence microscopy , 4 different filters blocks can be used to display simultaneously over the sample some fluorophores (whose characteristics are listed below):

FILTER BLOCKS FEATURES (and fluorophores that can be displayed with):

  • UV-2E/C [ EX 340-380, DM 400, BA 435-485 ] (DAPI, Hoechst 33258/33342, Calcofluor, AMCA, Cascade Blue, autofluorescence)
  • B-2E/C [ EX 465-495, DM 505, BA 515-555 ] ( FITC, fluorescein, GFP, acridin orange, auramin O,  Bodipy)
  • G-2E/C [ EX 540/25, DM 565, BA 605/55 ] ( TRITC, rhodamin, propidium iodide, Ethidium bromide)
  • UV-2A [ EX 330-380, DM 400, LP 420 ] (UV-2A, Aniline Blue, DAPI, Calcofluor , Autofluorescence, Fura-2, , Lysosensor yellow/blue, , AMCA, Cascade Yellow/Blue, , Serotonine, Dopamine, Noradrenaline, Tetracycline)

Some types of calibrated digital images that can be obtained are:

  • Individual images (RGB or monochrome)
  • Stacks of  images changing focus in motorized Z-axis
  • Joining images with different X-Y position (Stitching)
  • 3D animations and videos

Maximum quality of digital image in our system is 2560 x 1920 pixels

We also provide service for the digital image processing and/or analysis (with scientific or commercial purposes) with the following aims:

  • To improve the qualitative visual image information for scientific study or business presentations
  • To measure morphological parameters of the objects of study ( cells , particles, fibers , vesicles ... )
  • To count objects of study with an automated and discriminant strategy

Training is offered with NIS-E (Nikon) or Fiji software:

  • Image capturing strategies
  • Image processing
  • Object counting, morphology or light intensity measurements

Technical staff