IATA participates in the 11F International Day of Women and Girls in Science

One more year, on the occasion of the celebration of February 11, the Day of Women and Girls in Science, several IATA colleagues are participating in talks and outreach workshops in educational centers and in other activities carried out by different organizations . The main objective of these days is to promote scientific vocations among the youngest and contribute to the sum of female references in science. Here you can find the list of activities in educational centers in which IATA participates: - Ana Rosa Ballester, Belén Llobregat and Adrián González. Science everywhere. 2nd and 4th Primary, CEIP Tomás de Vilarroya, Valencia. - Ana Rosa Ballester, Belen Llobregat. Science everywhere. 2nd Primary, CEIP Santo Angel de la Guarda, Valencia - Ana Chris Adam. Workshops "DNA extraction from strawberries" and "Planting plates of rich medium with baker's yeast". 3rd and 4th grade of Primary School Maria Auxiliadora, Algemesí. - Maria Jesus Rodrigo Esteve. Talk-Taler "What do we scientists do? Today we are going to discover the colors of the fruits". 4th Primary CEIP Teodoro Llorente, Valencia. Other activities: - Rebeca Liébana participates in the WINS (Women in Science) campaign, organized by the CSIC Postgraduate and Specialization Department. - Participation of Mª Carmen Collado in a communication action organized by the Fundación Jesús Sierra with the winners of its Research Awards. - Interview with Amparo López on the ÀPunt News program.