Chema Lagarón obtains a special mention in the award for the best Patent 2023 for the nanofiber antimicrobial filter developed by IATA and Bioinicia

Chema Lagarón, researcher of the Research Group on New Materials and Nanotechnology for Food Applications of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), has obtained a special mention in the prize for the best patent in the second edition of the Awards for the Best Invention Protected by Industrial Property Rights, awarded by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM). The jury has estimated that the proposal deserves a "special evaluation" over the rest of the finalist applications and has endowed the proposal with a prize of 2,000 euros.  
Lagarón has obtained this recognition for the invention of the multilayer filter with antimicrobial properties and its use in applications of respirators and protective masks. “The invention of this filter arose as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to respond to the lack of filter materials and masks. The research and the patent were generated in a record time of just over 3 months at the beginning of the year 2020, in collaboration between my group of New Materials and Nanotechnology of the IATA-CSIC and the spin-off of the group, Bioinicia S.L”, he explains. the investigator. 

The patent describes the development of a range of new disinfectable ultrafine filtration materials based on nanofibers with the capacity to filter viruses, bacteria and aerosols and with, among other advantages, virucidal, bactericidal and biodegradable capacity. The technology gave rise to a whole range of innovative masks (popularly known as CSIC masks), which began to be marketed at the end of August of the same year 2020. Filters for air cleaning equipment, FFP2 masks, hygienic and IIR surgical, both for adults and children, biodegradable and compostable models, balsamic and inclusive with transparent anti-fog window for the perception of emotions and lip reading. The patent gave rise to various utility models, is already granted in Spain, and has been extended to Europe and the United States. The technology received the AITEX 2021 award for the Best Innovation against COVID-19.
 “I would like to thank the staff of my research group at IATA-CSIC and Bioinicia SL, the PIMA group of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, the CSIC collaborating centers (IDAEA-CSIC and CBMSO) for the technical support received. CSIC-UAM), the IBV Institute of Valencia and the financing of the PTI+ Global Health of the CSIC, the AVI and the CDTI”, Lagarón declared after learning of the resolution of the contest. 

Arantzazu Esparza, from Nabrawind Technologies, S.L, has obtained the highest recognition in the category for his invention: “Foundation for a wind turbine tower and method of making said foundation”.
The jury, made up of people of recognized prestige in the field of industrial property, has awarded this recognition to Lagarón after assessing more than 100 applications for national patent and utility model applications granted by the SPTO in 2021.

About Chema Lagarón
José María Lagarón is a scientific researcher at the CSIC and heads the New materials and nanotechnology for food applications group, where they work on sustainable solutions for packaging and encapsulation materials and on the development of different nanotechnologies.
Most of its applications are aimed at the preservation and quality of food, although in a collateral way they also touch fields such as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals. He is currently the coordinator of YPACK, a project funded by the European Union for the creation of biodegradable packaging solutions in which companies from 10 countries participate.
His experience with these materials led to the launch, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, of an initiative for the design of biodegradable filters for masks and he patented the CSIC's FPP2 masks, used by members of the Royal House or the Presidency of the Government. in their public interventions.