Preservation processes and risk assessment in food

Capacidades IATA
El grupo está abierto a cualquier tipo de colaboración con el entorno empresarial y académico en relación con estos temas.


Preservation processes and risk assessment in food

The group has broad experience in the development and assessment of food preservation processes by different thermal and nonthermal technologies. They are experts in the evaluation of microbiological risks and food safety.

Field of Expertise

Microorganism growth is the main cause of food spoilage and poses a severe health risk for consumers.

The food industry requires technologies, processes and ingredients that can increase the shelf-life of foods while maintaining their attractiveness to costumers and most importantly their safety.

The group studies food preservation processes including thermal treatments but also new nonthermal technologies such as high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) and pulsed electric fields (PEF). They also study minimum technologies strategies for food preservation using natural antimicrobial ingredients and the valorization of food by-products.

The group also studies the effects of preservation treatments on the microbial populations, which offers a predictive tool to assess the shelf-life and microbiological risk of foods.


Main Aplications and Services

  • Design novel nutritional intervention strategies to prevent and treat pathologies related to metabolic and immunologic disorders.
  • Isolation, identification and selection of new generation of effective probiotic.
    Further Information


    Insitute of Agrochemistry & Food Technology · IATA

    t. + 34 963 900 022 ext. 3107