IATA researchers identify a new intestinal bacteria capable of lowering blood glucose levels after meals

The IATA Microbial Ecology, Nutrition and Health research group, led by Yolanda Sanz, has identified a new intestinal bacterium of the genus Holdemanella that is capable of reducing blood glucose levels after meals and also improving metabolism in other organs as the liver. Both indicators are altered in people with obesity, with metabolic syndrome or with type 2 diabetes, so their regulation and functional restoration would be very beneficial for these pathologies.

In the study, published in the FASEB Journal, the preclinical efficacy of a bacterium of the genus Holdemanella has been evaluated in experimental animal models, and it has been shown that this bacterium is effective in regulating glucose levels throughout the body, exerting a function that it would be very attractive for the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and diabetes. Furthermore, the entire genome of this bacterium has been sequenced to confirm the safety of its use in humans.

More information: https://delegacion.comunitatvalenciana.csic.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/1...

Reference: Romaní Pérez, Marina; López Almela, Inmaculada; Bullich-Vilarrubias, Clara; Rueda-Ruzafa, Lola; Gómez Del Pulgar, Eva M.; Benítez-Páez, Alfonso; Liebisch, Gerhard; Lamas, José Antonio; Sanz Herranz, Yolanda. Holdemanella biformis improves glucose tolerance and regulates GLP-1 signaling in obese mice. FASEB Journal. https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.202100126R