IATA participation in MEDNIGHT2022

One more year IATA has been present in the activities of the European Night of Researchers.

On the one hand, Amparo López and Gloria Sánchez participated with their talk "Poop, microplastics and food" in the "MEDNIGHT Scientific Monologues" event, held on Tuesday, September 27 at "La Fábrica de Hielo".

And on the other, the members of the groups led by Mª Carmen Collado and Yolanda Sanz were at the Science Fair with the workshop "I Gut the power: the power of food for the microbiota". This event took place on September 30 at the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciencies, in a morning session for schoolchildren and an afternoon session for the general public, and the workshop explained through interactive activities what the microbiota is, the bacteria that they form, the materials used to study them in the laboratory, and the foods and lifestyles that benefit them.