Celebration of the "Postdoc Day" at IATA, within the International Postdoc Week

Yesterday, September 22, the "Postdoc Day" took place at the IATA, a multidisciplinary conference to disseminate the activity of postdoc researchers from the Valencian Community. This event, organized by the IATA's Scientific Outreach and Equality Commission, is part of the International Postdoc Week (September 19 to 23).

The Conference was opened by Jose F. Marcos (IATA director), Emilia Matallana Redondo (co-director of I2Sysbio) and Fernando Rey García (ITQ director) and closed by Juan Fuster, Institutional Delegate of the CSIC in the Valencian Community . It consisted of 4 sessions that addressed the experiences of postdocs, the importance of networking, mental health in a research career, and the needs of public administration and private companies.

The complete program of the Conference can be consulted at the link: https://www.iata.csic.es/es/agenda/eventopostdoc-day